Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This is prince.


If you are a courting girl and don't like the terms "dating" or "boyfriend," then precisely what do you call your significant other? I've heard (IRL!) the terms "best friend," and yes, even "Prince Charming" (gag) used in a VERY cheesy way. (Because "best friend" has too much of a first-grade ring to it, and "Prince Charming" is a phrase that should NEVER be used outside of a Disney movie. Just sayin'.)

What lovely examples, O Reader, have you seen?



EDavis said...

This is a great question. It made me laugh because I've been seeing someone for a bit now and I always struggle with what to call him. "This is my boyfriend" makes me feel like we're teenagers (which we're decidedly not). "This is my man friend" is way too lame. "This is my friend" is what I normally wind up with still sounds pretty weird. He also doesn't love it as most people end up wondering what the heck I mean by "friend". And he doesn't especially appreciate it.

I lived in Europe for a while and all my friends simply used the word partner. "My partner, Rebecca..." But here it often is only used for business partners or for same sex partners which doesn't fit in our case.

I think next time I introduce him I'll use Prince and see how people respond.

(That was a joke. An utter joke! No way in the world would I do something so ridiculous.)

Sister Act said...

LOL yeah--I'd probably use the term "boyfriend" had I such a person, although I can totally see how you might feel that is too "teenagerish"--because who doesn't want to leave their teenage years behind them? :) And your choice to refrain from the term "Prince" is indeed commendable--unless he shows up one day with a sword and really poofy sleeves, lol. But you would not believe, I know someone that literally refers to their Significant O as "Prince Charming"--on a regular basis! (*shiver*)

EDavis said...

If he ever shows up with a sword and puffy sleeves, I am running for the hills and not looking back.

Should the person who calls their Significant O a prince ever try to ask you to hang out, I recommend you do the same thing.

Strange. So strange.