Saturday, April 24, 2010

An Essay of sorts, by Violet

Salutations! Over the past several days, Meg and I have been, for whatever reason, having various conversations on the topic of dating, courtship, and the lack thereof. I have now attempted to quantify my exact feelings on this topic in a...document of sorts, which I shall now post for your reading pleasure as a 9-part series. I suppose I should state at the outset that neither Meg nor I has a boyfriend of any sort, and neither has a boy ever been the least bit interested in dating/courting either one of us. That being said, let us commence with "The Dangers of Courtship: An Essay: By Me." The results may surprise you.


EDavis said...

Hi, I followed you over from the SGM Survivors blog. I really like the lay out you chose, but more so, I've been enjoying reading some of your posts! Keep it up. I think you have something worth saying and something worth reading.

Sister Act said...

Welcome EDavis and thanks so much for your kind words :)

leonie said...

Hi, Violet --

Someone from SGM Survivors gave me the link to your blog. My husband and I recently went through our own very strange journey at Sovereign Grace. It was brief, thank God, but VERY painful.

I'm much older than you are, but I wanted to say -- hopefully without sounding condescending -- that I think you're a very intelligent and brave young woman. I'm impressed with what I've read here. The ability you have to analyze and articulate issues is something God-given, I believe. I think God will use you to reach many young women with the truth behind the oppressive practices at SGM.

Keep thinking, as you clearly do so well, and keep asking the Lord to show you the Truth.